Monday, May 18, 2009

For the love of all things good and Holy

Just for your info about 2 months ago a dude in South America drop a 127 ft waterfall and thereby set a new world record. There was however, a lot of controversy surrounding his accomplishment and the video plainly showed him going in upside down and then he just magically appeared on the shore carrying his boat. No one saw him land and if you come out of your boat it doesn't count as a record. So to put the controversy to bed, this dude Tyler Bradt just went ahead and dropped a 186 footer. Enough talk, just watch the damn video.


Grandma Nancy said...

One word "ASININE"

michelle said...

I would watch it if it worked....

Megan said...

We went to these falls (just about 45 mins from our house) and it is even more amazing there! I can't imagine someone paddling them. Crazy.