I'm not a smart man, never claimed to be. I'm not gifted or talented in any way shape or form. I can read and write and I have limited mathematical abilities. There are some things however that I know quite well. They include flying aeroplanes, avoiding hard labor, and enjoying river trips. I consider myself somewhat of an expert on the last subject. You name a river trip and I've either been there, planning on going there soon, or am adding it to my wish list. I have several shirts that I wear continuously that proclaim "Kayaking makes me Happy" and if you know me at all you know that those are prophetic words. With all this said I believe that I can now proclaim with a fair amount of certainty that "The Middle Fork of the Salmon" is THEE greatest private river trip in this great nation of ours. What about the Grand Canyon you ask, well the Grand is the grand and it's a great trip but it is 90% flat water interspersed with HUGE whitewater, the MFS has continuous gradient. How about the Selway you say, the Selway is amazing and the fishing is better than the MFS but the Selway is 47 miles, The MFS is 100, and the Middlefork has
Thanks Ash for the invite!
Nate's boat coming down the ramp on the morning we launched
Camp the first night
T-ricky, Tippy and Fancy Nancy run Tappan III
Waterfall Creek
(I'm Happy!)
Camp at Marble Creek left
(toady makin Navajo tacos= good livin)
Trail Flat
That is HOT water people.
Obligatory "Pork" photo
Like Uncle Steve says "When we float, Pigs die"
Nate and Richard in Marble Creek
Eatin a piece of Humble Pie in Marble
Fat guy throwing fat flies at beautiful West Slope Cutthroat
Last night at Elk Bar
It's My belief that God created "Rivers and streams to beautify and give diversity to the face of the earth" Meaning rivers are here to be beautiful and to be enJOYED... and "man is that he may have joy" so there you have it, to float the Middlefork is to fulfill both the rivers purpose, and mine!
Thanks Ash for the invite!
(I'm Happy!)
(toady makin Navajo tacos= good livin)
That is HOT water people.
Like Uncle Steve says "When we float, Pigs die"
It's My belief that God created "Rivers and streams to beautify and give diversity to the face of the earth" Meaning rivers are here to be beautiful and to be enJOYED... and "man is that he may have joy" so there you have it, to float the Middlefork is to fulfill both the rivers purpose, and mine!